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Aminat Kadyrova has learned the Holy Koran off by heart

  • 18 ноября 2013 18:00
  • 2247
Aminat Kadyrova has learned the Holy Koran off by heart
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It took less than two years for Aminat to become hafiz. Every morning she used to start with learning the Holy Scripture.

The sessions continued until noon. Then, time for rest and back to studying, which continued until 10 p.m. Within the last months the amount of work has been increased. Getting over feeling sleepy, the girl could be reading the Koran until late night.

For the last 18 years of work, Maryam Abduzhabarova has been teaching the Koran to many children. However she did not happen to see so many pupils with so much interest and patience as in this case. Maryam tells that one often loses voice when reading surahs and at such moments she suggests doing some pauses but the girl refused it. Having drunk some warm milk she embarked on studying the Holy Koran again.

The main person who helped Aminat with studying is her uncle Ramzan Kadyrov. He has always expressed interest in the process of studying,wanted to know how much of the Koran she has managed to learn. Raset, the girl’s mother tells that she freed her from any domestic work for the period of studying the Koran. She refused to talk about her daughter in the picture, as she believes it would not be right to praise her daughter in public. The first person to congratulate a newly become hafiz was Ramzan Kadyrov. In his Instagram account he thanked his mother Aymani Nesievna and his daughter-in-law Raset Kadyrova for the invaluable contribution made in the upbringing of the girl. He noted that he was proud and beyond happy that blessing of the Almighty remains in their home.

The news on one more hafiz in the Muslim ummah has become a happy one for the family of Kadyrovs, home-folk and all citizens of the republic.

Relatives and people from the community come to Kadyrov’s home to congratulate a young hafiz.

Amnat, nine-year old sister of Maryam has decided to embark on studying the Holy Scripture. Child has become quite impressed with the title awarded to the older sister. Aminat has become the fifth hafiz in Kadyrov’s family. Her brother Khamzat has become the first to learn the Koran by heart. Now he is in charge of the Tsentoroy School of hafiz named in the honor of Zelimkhan Kadyrov. After that the three children of Ramzan Kadyrov, Ayshat, Hutmat, a well-known singer of Islamic chants, and his son Akhmad have become hafizs. Younger brothers of the Head of the republic try to follow his example. Ali and Adam have already learned the larger part of the Koran by heart. Aminat is now preparing for the most important examination in her life. Her knowledge of the Holy Koran should be demonstrated in front of the titled and respectful theologists.

Dagmara Kasaeva

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